Lets start the week with some motivation to keep us girls going. Sport England has come up with a great advert to show us that no matter what shape we are, our ability, or how sweaty we get, exercise comes in many different forms and can become part of everyday life, not just a once a month effort.
Unfortunately the media has made a lot of us have negative views of ourselves and create an image of what we ‘should’ look like. Photoshop and ‘thinsipration’ is basically putting rose tinted glasses on us and saying if we don’t look a certain way everyday, then we’re not perfect. This is not a message we should be sending girls and women of any age.
To me this advert shows exercise as what it should be…something which we enjoy doing and is something to keep us healthy, NOT something which is there to make us ‘perfect’.
So lets stop the yo-yo dieting and self hating and take part in exercise to make us happy and keep us healthy. #Thisgirlcan