Content is the key factor that sells your business.
If done right, it can even sell a mediocre quality product better than those high-quality ones.
It’s all in the words as Bill Gates once said, “Content is King.”
Using the right words at the right time can make all the difference. It’s what I learned from experience. I authored multiple blogs and realize that the only pieces that worked had a mix of powerful words.
It stuck to my mind how powerful the use of the right words can be.
Many B2B businesses have understood the value of content.
As you can see content marketing is rising up the charts, and here are the statistics to back that info.
Compared to 2019 and 2018, 2020 looks more promising when it comes to content marketing.
And it has made me wonder, what benefits does content marketing can offer to business owners?
Do you own a website? When was the last time you focused on redefining the purpose behind your site content? Has it been long? Here are 4 best content marketing tips to help you stand out from rest.
4 Powerful Content Marketing Tips to Set your Digital Website A Class Apart!
Tip # 1: Reuse Your Best Headlines in PPC Marketing
If you own a website then it is highly likely that you’re also running a PPC campaign.
Have you used a strong performing headline in one of your website content pages? It’s time you make the best use of that powerful headline. There’s no harm in using that line in your PPC ad copies.
If there’s a blog post on which you’ve observed significant traffic, then there’s a high chance that your headline worked wonders. How about you use that same line in your ad copy to sell your business.
If you look at it, PPC content and blog content almost share similar headline attributes. They are emotionally engaging, empower strong hooks, contain powerful verbs, etc.
So if a recent blog post, article, white paper, infographic, or press release got significant traction from your visitors, then it is highly likely that it got it because of a powerful headline that you used.
Use it in your ad copies to convert the audience into potential customers so they purchase.
Tip # 2: Gather The Courage to Speak Your Mind & Heart
One of the major content marketing challenges that many businesses are facing nowadays is getting their voice heard.
There is an insurmountable amount of poorly written, unorganized, content pieces that are getting published on the Internet on a regular basis. Amid the havoc, getting yourself heard is a challenge.
In fact, much of the content in a specified industry is just the same words that are said by a handful of few. People just add their own twist and content style to the messaging and publish it up for rankings.
So if you want to stand a class apart from the rest, choose to speak your mind & heart.
Obviously, there’s a lot that you may have learned on your own accord over the course of time, right?
How about you use your own strategies that you’ve learned and publish a much powerful piece.
Not only will it get the exposure but it will introduce your business with people who innovate. If you have the spark then you can definitely win big, and that’s the true power of true content marketing.
Tip # 3: Add More Data to Your Content Pieces to Make it Promising
So many fake news outlets, so many fake promises, and so much fake content…
It has sapped the trust factor from the heart of its audiences. Now, even if your website link is ranking at the top of Google, it still not good enough because it fails to provide relevant information to people.
Now, you don’t certainly want that to happen to yourself, do you?
How about you change a bit in your research by adding statistical information or some other proof of document to ensure that your content is original, backed by research and above all, it is very authentic.
Just don’t forget to cite the original source where you took the data from because it’s their research.
Tip # 4: How About Giving time to Polishing Up Your Writing Skills?
Most content writers are unable to produce the right words just because they are too shy of doing so.
You would be amazed to learn how much potential they each hold yet they are unable to express. It’s not their fault, it’s the fault of tons of useless content that is ranking up on Google just because some smart SEO experts did a profound job of maximizing the number of keywords within the content.
Writing is a skill. Just like any other skill requires consistent polishing, writing also requires hardwork.
Now comes the big question, “How can I polish up my writing skills?” and the answer is READ!
Read with the intent of understanding the message behind words. Read to understand the usage of different words in different content types. See what emotions it evokes & what are the trigger points?
And when you write, be relentless when you pursue success… It’s the only way you can achieve big.
So there you go, these are the 4 tips on how you can polish up your content marketing efforts.