The content on the site plays a key role. The user’s opinion of you as a specialist directly depends on its quality. And the uniqueness of the materials affects the position of the site in the search results. Therefore, it is definitely not worth posting raw information on it. To create high-quality content, it is necessary to go a long way from determining the target audience to analysis. In this article, we will outline several main stages of creating content for the site and identify some specifics that you need to know when working.
What is content?
First of all, we want to introduce you into the universe of content, and build a strong understanding of what it is and what are the purposes of it. Content is pretty much everything that you create like a photo, video, post on Instagram and so on. All these kinds of content are important because they can boost your business and make a great impact on your marketing strategy.
Think about how many new products or businesses you have because you saw a Facebook or Instagram post, or even through an interaction a friend had with a Facebook or Instagram post.
High-quality content supports one or more of the goals you set in your content marketing strategy. Common goals for branded content includes:
- Attracting new readers
- Generating new leads
- Converting leads to customers
- Nurturing existing customers
- Establishing authority
- Building awareness
Content has become a crucial and inevitable part of daily life. You’ve probably heard the phrase “Content is king” countless times.
Those people who make it to the top are the high-quality ones because they engage and provide a lot of value for the readers. They can drive traffic to your pages and encourage your visitors to take action on your site. Moreover, when users find your content valuable, they’re more likely to interact with it and share it, contributing to the content’s longevity.
Producing high-quality content also cements your reputation as a thought leader in your respective industry. What you produce is a reflection of your knowledge, skill, and expertise in your industry. Showcasing what you know in the best way possible and making it easily accessible to your audience helps you, as a creator, establish a relationship with your viewers. This, in turn, can encourage them to engage and interact with your brand.
Content creation
So, what exactly is the content creation process? From an outside perspective, it might seem like an easy task. After all, content creation can essentially be broken down into three simple steps. All content creators have to do is come up with an idea, execute it, and publish it to their preferred platform. Content making is the process of finding topics to attract your target audience, then planning, creating, and publishing content about those topics. Thus, for successful business development, it is necessary to make content that works.
How to Create Content
1. Creating a customer profile
When you start working, you should decide who the text will be addressed to. If you are a copywriter and teach novice colleagues to write materials correctly, and the content is addressed to everyone, including a completely unprepared audience, then it will not work. After all, a simple factory worker does not need such a skill. He would have loved to read something humorous. Therefore, at the very beginning, you need to create a portrait of the ideal client: “Who is this?”, “What is his gender and age?”, “What are they interested in?”, “Why should he be interested in this?”, ” What benefits will he get from the product?”.
After creating a portrait of the ideal customer, analyze the audience with the help of the Google analytics toolkit. Also, it is not superfluous to visit the sites of competitors and see what audience they are targeting. After collecting all the necessary information, combine them. Match two images: the one you would like to see and the real one. Then create the final portrait of the potential client. This is what you should focus on in your future work and take into account when writing a text.
2. Selecting the format
A lot depends on the format in which the information will be presented. For example, online stores can be shown the terms of use for their products. This can be done in the format of a fascinating video review, or you can write a dry instruction. Clearly, the visual aid is much more effective. It is worth noting that not all formats can fit into the site concept. Let’s list the main options: articles, reviews, e-books, whitepapers, case studies, videos, infographics, or webinars.
3. Generating topics for publications
To understand what to write about on your site, you need to determine how your target audience is looking for information. Of course, there should be a clear idea of what concerns users and what they will definitely want to know about. However, this is not always enough to form a theme. Try to find resources that appeal to your target audience. Analyze which articles they are most interested in. Pay attention to the pitch and style of the text.
4. Creating headlines
In the modern world, people try to ignore all unnecessary information in order not to overload themselves. Because of this, they often read the title of the article first before deciding whether it is worthy of attention. Accordingly, all headings and subheadings should be clear, short, and catchy. Moreover, the title should accurately reflect the essence of the material.
5. Visual content
Let’s think about how much fun it is to read an article that doesn’t have illustrations? Perhaps it is very difficult to keep your attention on a large block of text for a long time. Therefore, it is best to share information with photos or any other visual content. At this point, you have to know some useful tips for your content to be more good-looking for your clients. If you want to use videos, they have to be in the right format that will look great on the website. For example, you might have chosen to create videos in MKV to keep their high quality. However, these videos may be too heavy for a website, unlike MP4. We can advise you to use MKV to MP4 converter for these purposes. This converter will help you get the right format without any difficult programs or spending a lot of time learning.
6. SEO
You should optimize content for SEO. For some, these three letters mean nothing. Therefore, we will briefly explain what is meant by this. The correct text that meets all the requirements will advance well in the search results. Therefore, it will be displayed more often and more users will open the article. To achieve this, you need to add keywords to the text — phrases that are most often typed in the search.
7. Use the power of first impression
The last and equally important point. Everything is already thought out, the theme is selected, the title and text are written, photos are added, and the content is adjusted to the desired parameters. So it can be published! But it’s not. Take a look at the material again, it is best to do this a few hours after completion of the work. If you have the opportunity to view it in a day, then use it. Now check if it answers the questions: “What?”, ” When?”, “Why?”and” How?”. Are these responses reflected in the subheadings? If the user doesn’t find the necessary information within 10-15 seconds, they will most likely leave the site.
Additional tips
- Ask the opinions of professionals and your friends
Sometimes they can help to avoid the stupidest mistakes. Apply to people who know more than you in this area and learn something from them.
- Don’t Copy & Paste
This is one of the worst things that you can do! Not only are you plagiarizing someone else’s work and can be sued for it, but you are being lazy. If you are unsure of what you include or say, it’s a better idea to leave it blank or to hire a professional. You can find inspiration on your competitors’ websites, but the content that you put out should be original.
- Build a website
A website helps to advertise your business. Since they are available anywhere across the world, websites are great tools for expanding your businesses globally. Hire someone who can create a website for you, or just upgrade your website.
Poorly designed websites are equally visually damaging. More important is updating the website with useful, relevant, and up-to-date information. Find out everything about website redesign.
The quality of content posted on a site strongly affects its promotion. Remember, original and useful articles aimed precisely at your target audience will always bring profit. They will not cause an immediate effect, this work is designed for a long-term perspective. Go through all 7 stages of content creation and you will definitely see the result!