As soon as you start to expand, one of your key tasks is to concentrate on growing your #business and increasing sales. It’s difficult to let go of the workload as the business is your baby, but at some point, you’ll need to think about bringing in an extra pair of hands.
There is indeed a war for talent, but handling your own sourcing and recruitment isn’t as daunting as it sounds. You know your business, you know how to pitch it, you know what candidates are best, and being competent at hiring is one of those things where you can really make a difference to your business. Rather than using a recruitment agency at this stage, we’ll explore other options.
- For a temporary role, use the government job sites, or post onto local on-line jobs boards, which should not cost too much, and will get your job out into the wider market. Here are a few links, but there are more sites if you look.
- For a permanent role, as well as using a jobs board as indicated above, think of the technology available, and use #facebook and #twitter. New generations of potential employee check their social media accounts every few minutes, but do ensure your company videos, social media pages and job advertisements, truly reflect what you represent as a brand. If you’re going to use social media channels, like Twitter for recruiting, ask your followers to tweet you recommendations for jobs you’re looking to fill. Rather than sharing the job, list personal attributes or competences, and let Twitter users share the information with their contacts.
Making the news recently, is the fact a Welsh pub is taking an unusual approach to recruitment by asking potential applicants to send in a talent video. A traditional CV outlines your skills, qualifications and experience, whereas a video CV enables an employer to get a feel for your personality. Job-seekers already record and post video introductions on YouTube, but companies also need to tap into video-sharing platforms, and record why their companies are great to work for. After all, it is a two-way decision-making process!
Before you even choose your candidate, there are steps you’ll need to take to ensure you don’t fall foul of #employment legislation and other legalities. More information can be found on the website below. This preparation will help you prior to interviewing, which we’ll cover next week.