This made me smile from beginning to end.
I just need a brief rant, but it will explain my happiness for this ad.
Technology is amazing, without it I wouldn’t be in a job or be able to write this now and post it out so people can see it instantly. HOWEVER, I can’t hide my frustration when children have barely ever touched a real book before, because they have a Kindle, or they don’t know where to search for the meaning of a word, because they have Google.
I also have a deep obsession in Pinterest, spending a good few hours a week glued to my boards: style, home, garden, food; all neatly kept without having to rip pages out of a book and keep them safe until I want to look at them.
However, this Ikea advert is right, once in a while, wouldn’t it be nice to sit back and flip through some pages of a catalogue? Go back to the ‘good ole days’ where we would fold down the pages we liked and then flick through to see what other people have marked? And best of all…circling AND folding the pages of things we’d like for Christmas in the Argos catalogue!
Sometimes, there is nothing better than a REAL book with REAL pages.