And the wait is finally over! Google unveiled its latest operating system on 3rd September and has named it Android 10. Previously called Android Q and now christened as Android 10, this latest OS is certainly the best offering from Google in the mobile arena. Currently launched only for its Pixel series, this version of Android is also made available for Redme and few third party phones in the market. Touted as the smartest move by Google, this version of Android has an array of excellent features in its pocket.
Finally, Google has unveiled Android 10, previously called Android Q. With the addition of new features, this version promises high end features and exceptional user experience to silent its competitors.
Check out the best features of Android 10:
The Dark Mode receives the highest light!
The much talked about Dark theme which was awaited since long has finally been introduced with Android 10. The idea was to save the user’s eyes by limiting the brightness but Google has come up with this version which does not need to illuminate the dark pixels. Also, it can be used on an entire OS level or can be set for a few apps, as per the preference of the user. In addition, it saves the battery life, giving the phone a longer lifespan during each charge cycle. Dark mode looks very attractive and promises instant appreciation from the Android user.
Smart reply is a smart addition to Android!
Well, we all are aware about the smart reply in text messages but Android 10 offers it for apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and other communication apps. The instant replies and emojis are quite catchy and handy to give a quirky answer. Most importantly, a lot of time is being saved with this new addition. Truly a smart feature for all Android lovers!!
Focus Mode helps the busy bees to concentrate on relevant apps!
Smart phones can be nostalgic due to the plethora of apps they offer. The biggest concern is that these phones are reducing the focus of the user as they tend to go haywire by using a number of apps at one time. To avoid this lack of focus, Android 10 has come up with Focus mode, which temporarily disables few apps and their notifications. This makes the user focus on current app without losing their attention span as well as time. A highly impressive feature for the truly busy lot of people who need to get away from restless usage of apps! Here Android 10 scores a brownie point over OnePlus, which blocks quite a few phone functions during the Focus mode. The Google phones just choose to disable apps rather than phone features making it technically rewarding than its contemporaries which have tried this feature.
Dark mode, Focus mode and smart reply features are best for the busy crowd which needs to prioritize tasks and avoid usage of unnecessary apps. It also saves on battery life!
Highly refined gesture controls make way for smooth phone!
Apple phones are certainly ruling the game when its about gesture controls but, Android is not far behind it now. With Android 10, the gesture controls are taken to an altogether new level. The Android app developers have added a tiny bar at the bottom of the screen to facilitate smooth navigation. The bar can be swiped from all sides to either go to Home page or moving back. Techno savvy crowd still feel that Apple is a notch higher as far as this feature is concerned but, Android will soon give it a tough competition.
The Live Caption feature gives a real-time experience!
Another feature worth a huge round of applause is the Live Caption. This means if you have an Android 10 phone then you can add live captions to any image of video while still being without internet. Now that’s a thing! Yes! The user can add latest comments or voice notes to any image or video. Whether it is downloaded or being live streamed, one can add the captions in a quick moment. So, if the video has poor sound quality, you can add caption to make sure that correct message is sent to the receiver. It is currently available only for a few high-end phones but is expected to be offered to other devices in the near future.
Project Mainland for quick updates!
Waiting for updates was always a recurring issue for Android smart phone owners. It was always considered a drawback as they had to wait for an update for their specific phones like LG or Samsung. However, Google has relieved them from this pain by launching Project Mainland which helps one get updates from Google Play. The main elements of the Android OS are used to make the updates available on their Google Play rather than waiting for System updates for smart phones of different company. Therefore, Android 10 is not only latest in terms of features but also equips the owner with the latest updates. Truly a smart move!
Google offers Wi-Fi sharing!
Sharing Wi-Fi is best when there is an urgent need of Internet. The feature was offered by other operating systems but now Google makes it available for its users. All they need to do is tap the Wi-Fi icon, hit on the Share button and offer their QR code with their fellow friend, who can scan it and start using Internet instantly.
Precise Notifications as per priority!
With Android 10, the users can actually choose privacy based on their notifications. They can avoid notification overload by Gentle or Priority tiers for the notifications. Those that need high priority would be shown on lock screen with sound and vibrations while the Gentle ones would be added to the pull-down queue list on the notification bar. They would be silently to be checked at a free time by the owner. This is again useful to avoid distractions from unnecessary notifications.
Bubble Notifications to traverse between tasks!
Messaging and communication is given the bubble wings by Android 10. The Android app developers have made this amusing way to talking and chatting with multiple apps, the icons of which would float on screen in the form of bubbles. The user can drag the bubble, take it to any corner of the screen, open the app and chat. This way, one can get notification for multiple apps floating on the screen and choose to reply or ignore them within a jiffy. This feature is primarily designed for communication apps only. However, it would be one of the most attractive part of Android 10.
Security tightened with Android 10!
Apple phones have a loyal fan base due to the amazing security that it offers. Corporate crowd relies more on the security of iPhones rather than those of Android phones. This concern has been dealt with in Android 10. New security features like storage encryption, platform hardening and advanced authentication.
Latest encryption mode called Adiantum is added in Android 10 to make sure that user date is always transferred in an encrypted form. They have also up notched TLS with TLS 1.3 version which enhances performance and adds more layers for security. The face and fingerprint recognition are tightened with implicit and explicit authentication.
Android 10’s latest features like Smart Reply, Live Caption, Bubble notification promises to enhance live communication on the go. Offers more real-time experience to the user!
Family Links added for parents to keep a tab on their child’s phone usage!
Although, it was a part of Android 9, the Family Links feature is an added attraction in the latest version of the Google OS. These links allow the parent to set up device time, select the relevant apps and even set time limits for using an application by their kids. They can also review the new downloads done by their children and permit the usage accordingly. In a nut shell, parents can now have a better supervision on their kid’s usage of mobile devices.
With the above mentioned features, Android 10 promises to give a tough competition to its contemporaries. It definitely is a treat for the Android lovers and would soon capture a wider market. People planning to launch their apps should switch to this version to design a futuristic application. Those looking for Android app developers can consult SysBunny for the best in the business mobile app development. Share Your concept with us here and we will keep it guarded, do the feasibility study and return with the best Android developers at hand. We can be contacted +1(512)937-2529 on or email at [email protected].
Android 10 promises best features with Dark Mode, bubble notifications, focus mode, platform hardening, storage encryption and more. Google has given it an edge over its previous offerings!