Keyword research is an inevitable part of search engine optimization and search marketing, which is critical regarding digital marketing now. Even though all, including start-ups to top corporate, have an equal opportunity regarding promotions online, spending too much money and time into keyword research and strategizing online marketing may not be possible for the start-ups.

Here, we will discuss some of the top keyword research tools to be used for the startup business promoters, as suggested by the SEO experts from across the globe.

1. Google Keyword Planner

This is the primary consideration of any SEO specialist while thinking of search marketing. For beginners, Google Keyword Planner is the most informative and insightful platform to start with. Primarily designed for managing search engine ads, but this can also help you effectively in doing organic keyword research too in light of your market competition. With the Google Keyword Planner, you can:

  • Search for new keywords and phrases
  • Actionable insights about ad group ideas
  • Assess the search volume for a list of most popular keywords against ad groups
  • Get traffic forecasting based on a custom list of keywords
  • Creation of multiple keyword listing to derive new keyword ideas

2. Merchant words

Merchant words are ideal for those who are looking forward to researching e-commerce keywords for your products and service promoted through the internet. This tool accumulates millions of keywords and combinations each day to its database and always keep this updated.

By using this tool, marketers will know which search terms are running popularly and which are least popular, etc. For a regional business or startup, even the least popular keywords or synonyms can also help drive in considerable sales. Merchant words review are also so fast and user-friendly with a solid customer support service too.

3. KWFinder

KWFinder is yet another research tool for the start-ups to do long-tail keyword research. The tool has a great and easy to use interface. The features including showing instant insights into the trend, CPC, search volume, and the level of difficulty regarding results list wisely.

If you click on individual keywords, then you get another pane opened which shows the difficulty level of it based on the current Google search stats.  This report can also show you which domains target the same, backlinks for the page, total shares, and the status of traffic. These extra keyword dimensions are highly relevant while integrating content marketing and SEO.

4. Keyword Explorer of Mozilla

It is a new tool from Moz which has some extra features for keyword research in a new dimension. In addition to the conventional volume of search and difficulty level; Moz Keyword Explore also features:

  • Opportunity – You get the relative CTR for organic results on search engine result pages (SERPs).
  • Importance – Criticality of the keywords in your specific campaigns.
  • Potential – Combination of keyword metrics to let the marketers prioritize.

Even though we have named a top few for the start-up marketers to explore, you can make use of several other free and paid tools too available to give new directions to your keyword research on the go.