We received this infographic yesterday from the team at Voucher Cloud. It makes very interesting reading, especially if you’re an ecommerce operation.
Some of the more interesting points i’ve picked out are how speed, images, use of video and reviews influence purchasing decisions. In particular, half of those questions said they had more confidence in a product after watching a video with 31% purchased after being influenced to buy from the video.
Some other points i’ve taken from it are…
- Product reviews are vital with 67% reading 6 or more reviews – do you have product reviews on your website?
- Cart abandonment is something clients talk to us about often. Turns out that its very common but what’s interesting below is the reasons for users cancelling their orders.
- Lastly, the use of coupons is gaining popularity – just when most of us are thinking that services like Voucher Cloud and Groupon are becoming less popular. Probably not surprising that this is the case given the infographic is from Voucher Cloud but interesting none-the-less.
Take a look through the infographic and leave your comments below. I’ll be very interested to hear your views.
Consumer Psychology and the E-Commerce Checkout – An infographic by the team at vouchercloud