Clarity is essential. When trying to sell to an audience which is ready to listen to your pitch then clarity is critical. The audience is waiting for their questions to be answered by you. As a marketer, you are not trying to frame the questions, rather trying to cater to the existing queries that the audience might have. This is one big reason as to why webinars have a bigger share when it comes with lead conversion.

Now the skill is in crafting your webinar message to meet the expectations.

The audience is particularly interested and has already entered into the buyer’s journey and you seem to have already attracted it toward your offering. Now, the focus should ideally be to increase the interest level and convert them. In order to do so, the clarity in the message is of utmost importance.

Here’s what Guy Kawasaki calls the 10-20-30 Rule, which is part of the Bonus tip in the above Infographic created by Clickmeeting.

  • Less number of slides which convey more fascinating ideas
  • Keep it short and to-the-point and allow time for post session Q & A
  • Usage of big & clear fonts to reduce wordiness

A clear message in your webinar can push the prospect further into the buyer’s journey and convert.

Rock Your Webinar: 10 Fun Tips: 1. Don’t panic. Well, maybe just a little. In real life, real people take bold steps, stumble, and recover. Learning to deal with annoying glitches is part of becoming a great webinar producer. 2. Present your agenda. Show them how organized you are. You remembered to get organized, right? 3. Get to the point. “Um… let’s see… what’s first… how’s everybody doin’?” Get to the point, or your audience will begin to disappear. 4. Engage your audience. Dramatize the pressing problem you’re here to solve. That’s why they showed up. 5. Watch the clock. You want them to say, “Please, don’t stop,” not “Please, no more.” 6. Organize your Q&A. You can’t read chat, type chat, and speak chat all at once. Appoint a chat assistant to free you up, so you can respond to questions intelligently. 7. Dread the dead air. If things go haywire, just talk about it. They need smart-you, not perfect-you. 8. Be confident. And if you don’t feel confident … fake it Gradually, you’ll begin to feel more confident and become a better presenter. 9. Keep it positive. Don’t “advertise” mistakes by dwelling on them. You can obsess after the webinar. 10. Summarize and say goodbye. Build momentum until you cross the finish line then wave, bow, and go. Bonus: Guy Kawasaki’s 10-20-30 Rule. Impose constraints to concentrate the power to your presentation. 10 slides: cover 10 fascinating ideas, not 132 boring ones. 20 minutes: brevity allows time for pre-show dillydally and post-show Q&A. 30-point font: big, clear fonts reduce wordiness and assist elderly eyes.