Marketing can make up such a huge percentage of your overall spending – after all, you can secure the best sales if you have trustworthy marketing campaigns in your hands, but even then not all campaigns are guaranteed successes. However, did you know that you can actually leverage on better data in order to invest in more efficient campaigns for your needs?
If you have doubts about the efficiency of call tracking for your marketing efforts, it’s important to first get a brief idea why calls are still important to sales in this digital age in the first place. In fact, did you know that 92-percent of all customer interactions still happen via calls, with 35-percent to 50-percent of sales actually going to sellers that respond to prospectors first?
Interestingly, it takes as much as eight (8!) call attempts just to reach a prospect, with 18 or more needed to actually connect with a prospective lead to discuss specific details of products. With this meticulous and risky process in mind, it’s important to at least have an edge when it comes to securing sales for your company. Call tracking can actually give you this advantage:
- Get a better view of your campaigns: Not all kinds of marketing campaigns revolve around using just “one” method of trying to lead prospects into the sales process, and as such it can be difficult at times to keep tabs on all aspects of the pipeline. Call tracking allows you to have better view of your marketing channels by assigning unique phone numbers to them, enabling you to immediately identify channels that source prospects and leads to your team.
- Get a more integrated business process: Call tracking in itself isn’t an effective a marketing tool in itself, but it does work well with other analytical software. Systems such as Fone Dynamics work best in conjunction with other applications, as the layer of information it provides can give your reports much better depth than before.
- Get insights on the more elusive sales process: Given that call tracking is primarily a tracking software, the numbers it can produce for you are actually data you can use to assess parts of the sales process – which is often elusive within the marketing pipeline. 92-percent of customer interactions happen through phone calls, and this is often improperly documented in companies. Call tracking gives you an edge with a variety of tools that can make getting insights on calls much better for you.
- Get more opportunities to improve customer service: Call tracking systems can sometimes have call record features that allow you to assess not just which calls resulted to conversions or not, but how calls went and assess which aspects of your customer service can be improved. What did prospects like and did not like? What pushed them to make the purchase?
- Get more opportunities to improve customer satisfaction: In the same token, call tracking systems also provide ample opportunities to allow companies to assess how they’re faring in the entire customer satisfaction scene as well. Call tracking enables marketers to pinpoint just which part of the calls may have increased positive or negative perception towards the company, and what measures can be taken to improve these.
- Get a better handle on returns, reports: Call tracking can allow you to make better reports to your higher-ups and have a much better view of your campaigns thanks to the kind of data it produces. Its contributions to unveiling otherwise mysterious aspects of the sales process can help you accurately pinpoint just which channels generate the best prospects, leads, and revenue. This can allow you and your company to make wiser business decisions.
- Get real time analytics: Call tracking also allows you to access analytics in real time, which means you can get valuable data whenever it’s needed and even on the fly. This makes adjustments much easier to make, especially during periods of crunch time.
Conclusion: Boosting Marketing Through Call Tracking
Call tracking can actually be quite the useful tool to improve your marketing efforts if you use its features appropriately in conjunction with your other analytics methods. In fact, it’s important to understand that call tracking can’t earn you profits on its own, but rather is a systemic tool that can be integrated into your various systems in order to produce better business operations in the long run.