This post is a contribution from SurePayroll

You probably know how many people are on your email list—and how many email touch points you have with them each year. But how well do you know what happens to those emails once they leave your company and go out into the world?

Like most businesses, you probably have a number of emails that get returned. Why they return is something that’s worth investigating in greater detail. Soft bounces, for example, generally have something to do with the recipient’s email inbox (it might be full) or an error with your email (it’s too big or you’re blacklisted, to name two). A hard bounce, on the other hand, is likely to be because an email address or domain name doesn’t exist.

Beyond errors with people not getting emails, the industry you’re in also may impact how many people open your email. Even so, there are things you can do to help boost open and engagement rates. For more tips on how to measure and build a successful email campaign, use this graphic.

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How to Interpret Three Important Email Marketing Statistics