I am not ashamed to say that I don’t really like the Sainsbury’s Christmas Advert; I like, and agree that Christmas is a time for sharing, but something just doesn’t sit well with me.
John Lewis therefore has been the clear winner in my eyes, with a whole new pressie even coming from it in the form of Monty. Clever marketing people.
However, Sainsbury’s have indeed redeemed themselves with this bloody brilliant advert! Dad dancing is an embarrassment to children the World over, but if Papa Williams pulled out these moves I definitely wouldn’t cower in the corner looking at what I could change my name to. Similarly, the Christmas jumper has made a huge comeback over the last few years, and again this is something which I used to cringe at, seeing my father sitting at the table (with the obligatory Christmas cracker hat on) dropping all sorts of dinner down him.
Tying 2 very big ‘in’ things at the moment, dubstep dancing and Christmas jumpers, in to an advert is nothing short of a fabulously brilliant idea by the marketing boffins at Sainsbury’s. Bravo!