With internet connectivity spreading at light speed, online marketing is becoming the go-to way of spreading awareness of a particular brand. Reaching a gigantic audience is no more complicated than creating a website and making sure it has all the necessary information about your product. Any company can make a website in a minimal amount of time. This means your website has to be different. Here are some tips on how to make your brand website stand out.
1. Better customer service
When you think customer service, online marketing isn’t the first thing that pops into your mind. It’s easy to forget that every interaction a potential customer has with a brand affects their opinion of the brand and is considered customer service. Brand-conscious customer service tactics must be applied across multiple platforms and channels.
Stellar service in e-commerce is an essential part of any good digital company as digital marketers play an important role in creating a positive customer-centric reputation for the brand. This can be achieved through personalized e-mails, welcome pages for websites, or even customized product recommendations. Ensuring that the consumer has a streamlined, attractive experience when buying any product will boost sales significantly.
2. Create a blog
Creating a blog for your website will boost your online presence by a large margin. It can make your website rank better in online searches and even passively increase the flow of daily visitors. This is called SEO or search engine optimization, which implies growing website visibility in a non-paid way.
Creating a strong internal linking structure on the blog will help keep your consumer occupied and keep their interest. Offer a lot of varied content and make sure to create new content regularly, as this shows search engines that you have a vibrant, active website that is constantly updated with new information for visitors.
3. Clear calls to action on your website
Anything a visitor touches on your website can become a call to some action that provides more information about your product. Offer a subscription for your newsletter in one area. Show them a link to follow you on your social media pages, or perhaps to download an important document related to your business. You can easily include some of these things on your website and better achieve your marketing goal.
Try to avoid using terms like “click here” and remember that the message of what they are clicking on should be clearer. “Shop here” would be a great example on how to remind the consumer that the link is for purchasing a product.
4. Sponsor an offline event
An offline presence is still important, even when the focus of your marketing is online. Sponsoring an event builds your authority and increases brand awareness significantly. It can help build business partnerships with other brands. Attendees, especially those who work in media, will very likely spread the word about your brand after the event.
For the business savvy, a sponsored event is a goldmine. You can give away or sell branded merchandise, set up attractive fence mesh banners or even create workshops during the event. The workshops should be interactive and make visitors feel like they’ve learned something new. This will leave a good impression on them, and improve your brands’ reputation.
5. Engage users on social media
Due to the humongous rise of social media giants like Facebook and Twitter, social media is now an integral part of online marketing. Social media gives you an opportunity to connect with consumers online and share and promote the content you’ve worked hard to create. Identify the social channels where your potential users might be and make sure to participate in those channels, and not less relevant ones.
Social media can be used to gather praise and feedback for your brand. Tweets and YouTube videos will also be indexed by search engines which can boost your site ranking and increase relevance. This all makes social media essential for improving brand image on the web.
6. Boost website speed
The speed at which your website loads can be critical to its success. If a potential consumer notices that it’s taking forever for your website to load, they might lose interest and open a competitor website instead. Improve website page load times, link load times and keep your users connected and interested in the content.
There are tons of sites online that can check your own websites load speed. Consult your website designer for ways to reduce the time it takes for the page to load, but without losing too many of the elements that are necessary to make it attractive to consumers.
In conclusion, your online presence is a key part of your brand, and improving it will most certainly increase sales numbers. Building a good website and using it properly has never been easier, and with these tips, you’ll be off to a good start.