If your business markets to teenagers (or you’re a parent of a teenager and want to make sure your child is behaving) then you’re going to have to brush up on your selfie-action because you’ll need to get very active on Instagram and Snapchat (and YouTube to a lesser extent). That’s the take-home advice that this teenager offers in her article on the matter and backed up with the infographic below.

It seems that Facebook (and Twitter) has become the online venue for us oldies and the kids are doing their own thing. This may not come as much of a surprise to parents of teens or younger children who spend hours watching YouTube videos and puckering up for selfies but for businesses marketing to this demographic it’s vital that you alter your strategies if you aren’t already active on these platforms.

What is interesting from the article is how the writer describes how she consumes the content she wants on YouTube and then uses that knowledge in her Instagram activity so learning from experts in make-up and then applying that learning for her selfie photos or taking advice from photographers and using that to set up the best shots.

For a marketeer this is useful intel – you don’t necessarily need to be on the most popular platform with the kids to market to them. You can engage with them on YouTube and give them knowledge they can take away and use elsewhere. So a teen brand like Claire’s will use YouTube to provide advice, tips and other fun teen-aimed content knowing that the knowledge the viewer gets is being used elsewhere online but that engagement has promoted the brand and make their target audience more likely to visit their stores in the future.

What about businesses who market to a different demographic? How can you use this same tactic in your industry?

If you market to a more adult population then the take-away from the graphic below is that adult social media users are very much on Facebook and they love to share stuff. Creating fun, entertaining, inspiring or surprising content on YouTube or elsewhere (Pinterest for example) will get noticed and if you make it easy for them to share it on Facebook then you’re on to a winner.

For example, you could create a blog post using images (see point 4 in this article) and push it out on your Facebook page, the chances are you’ll have a hit on your hands.


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