Over the weekend I caught the end of the Top 100 toys of all time, and number 1 came as no surprise to me as it was something I filled my days with as a child, and fill my weekends with now I’m a step mother and an auntie. Lego.

Whether you follow the instructions and build the image on the front of the box or create something completely unique, Lego allows you to let your imagination run wild and for your dreams to be made a reality.  Nearly every popular film franchise has been made in to Lego – Star Wars, Harry Potter, Minecraft and Disney Princess – you can bring that World to life, or intertwine the two for a multi-verse effect!

The USA has an advert which puts the wonders of Lego beautifully, so I thought I’d share it with you.

I’m now going to go and raid the toy box and build something! #KeepBuilding